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Cosmetic Dentistry in Beverly Hills, CA

Do you want to achieve the smile of your dreams? S&C Dental Beverly Hills‘s cosmetic dentistry in Beverly Hills, CA will fulfill your desires and beyond. We offer a wide range of services and treatments devised to cultivate shimmering, shining smiles. Our team is trained, certified, and equipped to reverse any flaw in your smile, from discoloration, chipping misalignment, and more. Whether you need a routine teeth alignment or a permanent implant to replace missing teeth, our team is here to meet and exceed your expectations. It’s time to restore your appearance, happiness, and confidence with a customized cosmetic solution designed specifically for you.

Our Cosmetic Services

Your smile greatly affects how others perceive you and how you view yourself. A damaged or imperfect smile can lead to low-self confidence and shame. We don’t want you to feel negative about your appearance. That’s why we offer convenient and effective solutions for cosmetic oral care. Feel good about your smile again by requesting one or more of the following services.

Crowns and Bridges

Crowns are prosthetics fitted over broken or visibly damaged teeth that look and feel precisely like natural teeth. Bridges fill single or multiple tooth gaps by anchoring into the tooth pair.


Partial and full dentures replace large swaths of missing teeth or entire teeth sets. We can implement removable or implanted dentures based on your oral healthcare and aesthetic needs and wishes.

Dental Implants

If you need a tooth replaced efficiently, a dental implant may be right for you. Implants comprise a metal post and an abutment holding an artificial tooth in place. They are designed and customized to look and feel like your natural teeth.


Veneers are designed to correct various aesthetic issues, including discoloration, chips, crookedness, and gaps. Patients choose veneers because they are exceptionally durable and can be custom fit for the ultimate comfort and a natural tooth appearance.


The innovative Invisalign® solution consists of transparent trays that carefully align teeth over time. They are easy to clean and remove for brushing and eating, making them an ideal alternative to braces.

Teeth Whitening

Our whitening solutions comprise cutting-edge gels and agents, offered in our office and available for take-home use. You'll see almost instant whitening and brightening!

Learn More About Our Cosmetic Services Today

If you want to beautify your smile without doing the hard work of researching solutions, please schedule a consultation with us. Our team educates patients and guides them to the perfect solution every day. Whether you want to brighten or fix a damaged tooth, we provide a service that is right for you. We offer a warm, accommodating practice and staff where patients feel genuinely cared about. Our team and services will make you feel proud to smile again.

Premium Dental Care
Solutions for the Entire