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Teeth Whitening Dentist

Are your teeth yellowing or discolored? Do you want to get back your pearly whites? S&C Dental Beverly Hills provides patients with bright, beautiful smiles through teeth whitening in Beverly Hills, CA. One of our primary goals is to make the patient experience convenient and effective. We achieve patient satisfaction by providing both in-office and take-home whitening solutions so patients have the most control over their oral beauty. Our whitening solutions help patients overcome discolored teeth and give them the confidence to smile big and bright again. Regain your confidence and smile proudly by choosing us for your whitening and brightening.

Showing off the smile after teeth whitening in Beverly Hills CA

Why Are My Teeth Discolored?

It’s natural for teeth to discolor and become yellow with time, but some factors accelerate the process. Some patients’ teeth discolor after they sustain injury or trauma that affects the pulp. Oral diseases and tooth decay can also cause teeth to have an unsightly, discolored appearance. However, most yellowing and discoloration are caused by consuming dark foods and drinks, such as soda, coffee, tea, wine, and berries. Beverages with high acidity levels can also lead to discoloration. Most stains are superficial and cover the surface of the teeth. In these cases, simple tooth whitening can easily eliminate the stains.

The Two Types of Teeth Whitening

Our team possesses more advanced and thorough tooth whitening tools and capabilities than average store-bought products. Patients come to us for in-office and take-home solutions that deliver near-instant results and long-lasting whitening. Our proven and patient-approved solutions will have you seeing and feeling a significant difference in your teeth’ color in no time. We offer:

In-Office Treatments

Our in-house whitening comprises applying a whitening gel to the teeth. Once applied, we shine a dental-grade light that penetrates the deeper layers of the teeth for maximum whitening. A typical in-house whitening takes about an hour and provides patients with whiter teeth almost instantly.

At-Home Whitening

Once you try our at-home whitening, you'll never return to using the store-bought stuff. Take-home whitening kits consist of customized trays you can use to whiten from the comfort of your home. Each tray should be applied for 20 minutes daily between two and four weeks. Use at-home whitening exclusively, or pair it with your in-office treatments for optimal results!

Schedule a Teeth Whitening Appointment Today

We are the place patients go for whiter, brighter smiles. We will consult with you and review your oral health history before the teeth whitening process begins to see if you are in the proper condition to receive it. Factors such as cracks, breaks, or cavities cause sensitivity and pain, so we urge you to get those fixed before getting a whitening. After repairing teeth imperfections, we will start the process of whitening your teeth. Our approach is smooth and efficient and generates excellent results quickly. We are excited to serve you and help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted!

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